Interested in service? Come join the fun, make new friends, help make a difference.
Become active and help make a difference with 12 step work by helping serve the still suffering alcoholic.

D39 business Zoom meeting: District 39 meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM.
Meeting ID: 861 1315 5017
Passcode: AAD39
Service Positions
If interested in service, please feel free to drop in on any one of our monthly District 39 meetings to learn more about the district, we would love to see you.
Accessibility – Bob N.
Purpose is to explore, develop and offer resources to make Alcoholics Anonymous available to people who are blind, deaf, chronically ill or physically disabled, or in some other way unable to attend meetings on their own.
Archives – Jene Z.
The archivist is responsible to maintain a historical record of all district business as well as other collected historical memorabilia. This record includes – but is not limited to – past district GSR meeting minutes and financial reports, collected literature, newspaper articles, photographs, and event programs/flyers.
Bridging The Gap – Carol F. / Judy P.
Temporary contact program which is designed to help the alcoholic transition between exiting a treatment program and into regular AA meetings. Provides transportation or other assistance in getting to meetings, contact information for fellow alcoholics, offer appropriate literature and schedules for local meetings.
Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) – (Open)
This committee is basically educational in scope. Their purpose is to explain what A.A. is, and is not, to the professional community. Typically CPC works with doctors, nurses, dentists, counselors, treatment center workers, lawyers, police, judges, teachers, clergy, employee assistance programs, union leaders, etc. CPC is a natural out-growth of work in PI.
Corrections – (Open)
The corrections committee is responsible for working and corresponding with alcoholics who are in prison, jail, or other correctional facility. This committee coordinates the “Bridge the Gap” program to assist the alcoholic who is being released from a correctional facility to the A.A. groups in the community.
DCM – District Committee Member – Rob M.
The DCM is the link between the district and the Western Washington Area #72 and the General Service Office (GSO). It is the DCM’s responsibility to:
- a) Lead the monthly GSR Meetings with the group’s GSRs and other trusted servants of the district.
- b) Inform all GSRs and committee members of all district, area, regional, and conference activities.
- c) Insure that group and district needs are communicated to the area and beyond.
- d) Attend all area quarterlies to discuss and define the agenda for area and beyond.
A more complete explanation of the DCM’s responsibilities are in the A.A. Service Manual, pages S28 – S31.
DCM ALT – District Committee Member Alternate – Jon S.
The Alternate DCM acts in place of the DCM when the DCM is unable to perform his/her functions and to assist the DCM in the performance of their duties. The Alternate DCM also chairs the Budget Committee.
Events Planner – (Open)
This position is responsible for overseeing and planning AA related social activities at the District level.
Grapevine and Literature – (Open)
This committee is responsible to order, sell at GSO prices, and otherwise distribute A.A. approved literature to groups and individuals in need. The committee is responsible to communicate literature needs and suggestions from the groups to the district, area, and GSO.
Newsletter – Terri D.
Publishes, on a quarterly basis, a newsletter which serves as our principal communication tool within the district. May appoint a working committee to assist in the format, content and distribution of the Newsletter. Receives, formats and edits news received from the district and prepares for district web chair.
Public Information (PI) – (Open)
This committee is responsible to provide information and education to the non-alcoholic community. Public Information develops public service announcements, appears at schools and health fairs, and communicates with the media to explain the working of Alcoholics Anonymous and the importance of anonymity, as well to assisting A.A. members when speaking publicly to the community about A.A.
Registrar – (Open)
The district registrar position is to help facilitate communication between groups and area committee by maintaining the district roster which includes current names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses for all district officers, GSRs, and group contacts in the district. Process all group change forms and new group registrations throughout the year.
Interface with the Area Registrar on a regular basis to keep the database current and accurate.
Update the district roster and mailing list on a regular basis. Maintain records of all new group registrations and group change forms.
Secretary – (Open)
The secretary is responsible for maintaining a written record of all district business and activities and communicating this record to all GSRs and committee members. The secretary is responsible for all written communication between the district and area except for those duties assigned to the registrar.
Treasurer – Sally C.
The treasurer is responsible for receiving, documenting, and disbursing of district funds. These revenues are most often generated from individual group contributions and are distributed as needed and as directed by district motion vote or at the discretion of the Budget Committee.
Treatment – Carol F. / Judy P.
The District Treatment Chair coordinates the work of individual A.A. members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics in treatment facilities, and to set up means of “bridging the gap” from the facility to an A.A. group in the individual’s community. One of the more important activities of the District Treatment Chair is the Bridging the Gap program. This is a nationwide network of AA members who help individuals find their way to their first AA meetings, upon their release from treatment facilities.”
Web Servant – Mike B.
Follows the AA Guidelines for the Internet and all AA literature pertinent to our online presence. Ensures that information on the district website is accurate and up-to-date, especially regarding meeting locations, dates, and times, and event announcements. Attends quarterly Area Web Committee meetings.
YPAA: – (Open)
Young People for AA chair. Our Young Peoples committee chair acts as a bridge for the young alcoholic to the general meetings, groups, and service committees within the District and Area. Our emphasis is on assisting young people in understanding Recovery and Unity.
D39 Committee’s
Budget Committee – Comprised of the elected officers
The budget committee consists of elected member and is chaired by the Alternate DCM or DCM if the Alt is unavailable. The committee is responsible to propose district budgets based on previous expenses and future needs as well as to audit the district treasury, literature locker, and committee expenditures.
Liaison Positions
Eastside Intergroup Liaison – Jon S.
This position shares information and literature between District and Intergroup, also informing the District of upcoming events and changes in the Intergroup area.