Our Purpose
“We must carry the message, else we ourselves can wither and those who haven’t been given the truth may die” .
from A.A.’s Legacy of Service by Bill W.
In the NEWS
Welcome Letter to New District 39 Service Positions
Welcome General Service Representatives
Welcome new and returning GSRs and Standing Committee to District 39, 2023 and 2024 term of general service (Panel 73).
Regardless whether you have many years of service or if you are just beginning your journey, you will grow. I have learned I get out of service what I put in. If you are just serving time, you might get bored, but if you are here to serve your group to the best of your ability you will enjoy this experience and be a wealth of information to your group. Your job is vital to the longevity of Alcoholics Anonymous.
The groups are the top of the pyramid in AA. It is the responsibility of the GSR to gather the opinions and votes of your group to pass on through your AA District, Area, and General Service Conference. In my opinion the GSR has the most important job in AA. The best parts about being of service are all the new friends you will acquire. I feel like my AA group fellowship and service fellowship have introduced me to an exciting new family. Welcome Home.
2023 Events and Descriptions
A Pre-Conference is a meeting held in March and April (depending on the scheduled date of your district) for the GSRs facilitated by Area 72, the Delegate, and Alternate Delegate. The Delegate communicates motions and issues for GSRs to share with their groups regarding agenda items, which will be addressed at the General Service Conference. The GSRs then inform the Delegate about their groups’ vote and conscience on the issues so the Delegate has a sense of Area 72 while attending the General Service Conference. The GSRs gather their group’s voice after their group has been informed of the motions by the GSR during their business meeting. There are several Pre-Conferences. You may choose to attend the one specific to your district and/or go to as many as you choose. Each of these Pre-Conferences will have generally the same information.
Pre-Conference for District 39 will be held Saturday, March 18, 2023. At this Pre-Conference is where our Area Delegate (Crystal S.) will present topics that will be on the GSO agenda in New York. You will only have a few weeks to go back to your groups with this information and then e-mail your group conscious to her.
Your group’s input is vital for Crystal to get a sense of our Area so she can vote on what happened in New York at the General Service Conference. (date and time to be announced)
In August the Pre-Assembly will be held. This is a vital meeting in making sure you have a full understanding of all the items that will be discussed at the Assembly. There will be presentations and, of course, an opportunity for you to ask questions. You will take this information back to your group and get their conscience on how you will vote in October at the Assembly. (date and time to be announced)
In October the big event happens! Your Area 72 Assembly will be held this year on October 6 – 8, 2023, at the Cowlitz Convention Center. Workshops start Friday afternoon and go until Sunday about noon. This is your opportunity to hear first hand reports from the Area Trusted Servants and to vote and discuss issues that we have been talking about all year! Registration is currently available. There is also a new home stay program going on this year to save on hotel costs but registering early for that is important.
Quarterlies are held in January, April, and July. The Winter Quarterly will be this Jan 6th and 7th at the Crown Plaza Seattle-Downtown on 6th Ave. in Seattle. Please find information on Area72aa.org. GSRs are welcome to attend to help gain even more knowledge about how the Area is running on a quarterly basis and to watch issues evolve for the Assembly.
- April Quarterly (date and time to be announced);
- July Quarterly (date and time to be announced).
We look forward to seeing you the first Tuesday of each month at the District 39 Business Meeting at 7:00 PM.
ZoomLink: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86113155017?pwd=dWNqU1RNcWZNNXlDcGZNSGI4ZG9SQT09
Warm regards,
Suzi L
DCM District 39
Our monthly D39 business Zoom meeting:
First Tuesday of every month at 7pm.
Join Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 861 1315 5017
Passcode: AAD39
Follow Grapevine and La Viña on Instagram! |
We are happy to announce that following the 2021 General Service Conference action, AA Grapevine, Inc. will be starting Instagram accounts for both AA Grapevine and La Viña magazines.Our launch date is July 7, 2021. You’ll be able to see our Daily Quote each morning, know when our new magazine issues release, learn about new books and be inspired by both AA pioneers and today’s members. We hope that through Instagram we’ll help members stay connected to Grapevine and La Viña, and to AA as a whole, by finding inspiration when engaging with this social media platform. We also hope to attract those who might benefit by learning more about Alcoholics Anonymous. To follow us on Instagram, use these addresses starting on July 7, 2021: @alcoholicsanonymous_gv @alcoholicosanonimos_lv |

¡Sigue a Grapevine y La Viña en Instagram! |
Nos complace anunciar que después de la acción de la Conferencia de Servicios Generales del 2021, AA Grapevine, Inc. abrirá cuentas de Instagram para las revistas AA Grapevine y La Viña. Nuestra fecha de lanzamiento es el 7 de julio del 2021. Podrás ver nuestra Cita Diaria cada mañana, saber cuándo se publican las nuevas ediciones de nuestra revista así como la publicación de libros nuevos, y tomar inspiración tanto de los pioneros de AA como de los miembros de hoy. Esperamos que a través de Instagram podamos ayudar a los miembros a mantenerse conectados con Grapevine y La Viña, y con AA en su conjunto, al encontrar inspiración por medio de la interacción con esta plataforma de redes sociales. También esperamos atraer a aquellos que podrían beneficiarse aprendiendo más sobre Alcohólicos Anónimos. Para seguirnos en Instagram, use estas cuentas a partir del 7 de julio de 2021:@alcoholicosanonimos_lv@alcoholicsanonymous_gv |

Preamble Revision – AA General Service Board decision
To: General Service Conference
From Josh Eggleston, A.A. Grapevine Board Chair
Re: Preamble Revision
Date May 24, 2021
Dear Conference Members:
Several people have asked when the revised Preamble will be seen in print. In keeping with the final advisory action of the 71st General Service Conference, the A.A. Preamble revision replacing the words “men and women” with “people” will appear in the July issue of Grapevine, and its translation will be in the July/August issue of La Viña. Both of these issues will be mailed, and posted online, on June 15, 2021. After June 15, as new Grapevine, La Viña and A.A.W.S. literature or reprints go to press, and as web pages are updated, the language will change wherever the A.A. Preamble appears.
The June issue of Grapevine was on press when the Conference requested the change, so this is the first opportunity to make the adjustment in the magazines.
We’ve also received a number of inquiries about whether this negatively impacts the editorial independence of Grapevine. Please remember that the Grapevine Board, Publisher and Editors discussed this topic for an entire year over a series of board meetings. Ultimately it was agreed that Grapevine has the right of decision and foundational editorial independence. We felt that such a change would affect the groups as a whole and in keeping with Tradition 4, we sought the input from those it might affect by sending the discussion to the General Service Conference.
The topic was actively discussed in groups across the United States and Canada for two years over both the 70th and 71st General Service conference panels. As a result of those conversations the Delegates of the General Service Conference passed a series of votes, in a sequence of events that culminated with the final advisory action requesting:
“The Preamble revision replacing the words “men and women” with the word “people” be presented to the General Service Board for approval as the new revised A.A. Preamble.
Having been accepted by the General Service Board and forward to Grapevine for fulfilment, the Publisher and editorial staff at A.A. Grapevine went to work to carry out the will of the Conference with love and service.
I hope you are all having a wonderful experience reporting out the results of the 71st General Service Conference and thank each of you so very much for your dedicated service.
Josh Eggleston
General Service Trustee A.A. Grapevine Board Chair

To get access to a full archive of Area 72 newsletters, past and present, simply register on the Area 72 website. Registration enables access to Area72 online content.
link: https://area72aa.org/register/
Once registered, here is the link to our Area 72 newsletter page.
Link: Newsletters
To get access to a full archive of Area 72 newsletters, past and present, simply register on the Area 72 website. Registration enables access to Area72 online content.